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Willow Tree Mini Lop Rabbits

Willow Tree Lops Logo 2.jpg

The Mini Lop rabbit breed developed from the efforts of two German breeders in the 1950s. They dubbed their new lop breed “Klein Widder,” which translates to “little ram.”

Several different breeds went into the development of the Mini Lop, including: English Lop, Chinchilla, French Lop, New Zealand, Polish Lop, Dwarf Lop

The British Rabbit Council recognized the Mini Lop breed in 1994.

Mini Lops come in a rainbow of colours, which we breed most of them in.

Mini lops are one of the most good-natured and adorable breed of rabbits 

Quick Facts About the Mini Lop Rabbit


Species Name:

Oryctolagus Cuniculus


Care Level:



Even temper, energetic, playful


7 – 14 years




Hay, Fruit, Veg, Herbs 

Minimum Cage Size: 

Cage Set Up: 


A suitable 6Ft Hutch/Cage with a run or Free Roam 

Cage, Water Bottle, Food Bowl, Bedding, Toys/Chew

Prefer company, but will happliy live alone 

Blue Split mini lop
Agouti mini lop
Orange sooty butterfly mini lop

Typical Behavior & Temperament


As a Lop Breed, the mini lop has grown a reputation for being a calm and relaxed breed. However, this is not always the case. Personality, energy levels, attitude and other behavioral traits are dependant soley on the individual rabbit. 

Some Bunnies may have a high energy level, they may have what we like to call "Zoomies". They may want to play, chew and run around, then crash out for an hour or twos kip. 

Some Bunnies would much rather eat their greens and chew on their chews, than run around! Sleepy bunnies are happy bunnies aswell! Not all bunnies need to run around and be manic, some just like to watch the world go by. 

Personality can usually be determined at a very young age, if you are looking for a calm or energetic rabbit make sure to tell us your requirements so we can find a bunny more suitable for your needs! 

Do Mini Lops get along with other pets? 


The anwser is yes! 

With proper introduction, training and enviroment, Mini Lops can get along with almost any common household pet. 

Most rabbit breeds are very communal creatures, most domestic bunnies prefer to live in pairs. Whether that be a bonded pair from birth I.E Brothers, Sisters etc. Or two bunnies that were complete strangers. 

None of this matters with rabbits, they will adapt to their enviroment very quickly. 

Introducing bunnies with other pets is alot easier than some may think. Dogs and cats that have inhabbited the house before hand, may react a little hostile towards your new fluffy ball. But this is NORMAL! 

Typically, we say to give at least 4 weeks to settle any animal into its new home, with exsiting pets. 

We always reccomend going slow and steady, making sure not to overstep each animals comfort zones. 

 Once you are happy your animals are too hapy and settled , you have the worse bit over and done with!! 

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