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Peach Peafowl
Peacocks, Peahens, Peachicks


The peach Peacocks were first bred in the early 1990's in the USA. 

The mother of the peach hen was the mutant Purple hen born in 1987.This first purple hen was mated to a cameo cock. This mating produced two India Blue males. These Indian Blue males carried both the Cameo and Purple colour gene. These two cocks were mated back to their mother, the original Purple hen.


This mating produced eleven peachicks which included three India Blue (2 males and 1 female), three Cameos (females), four Purples (2 males and 2 females) and one Peach (female). This was the first Peach produced.

Breeding Peach Peacock to Peach Peahen or vice versa with breed true.

Breeding a Peach to say Indian blue will produce sex linked chick colours, Indian Blue males and Peach females. 



Peacocks & Peahens For Sale

We usually have a selection of Peafowl for sale throughout the year

take a look at our Peacocks for sale page for more information

Peacocks, Peahens, Peafowl
Hatching Eggs For Sale

We usually have a selection of Peafowl Hatching eggs for sale throughout the season. 

We take pre-orders from March, eggs are usually available April through to August. Eggs are sent first class next day delivery within UK only.

We do not export eggs.

Take a look at our Peacocks Hatching Eggs for sale page for more information

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